What is Dirty?

"I want to help Dirty Victims be Victors and enlist the world to be a voice of action to care and help too."
Dirty is Violence. Abuse of all types, sexual trauma, physical abuse, verbal abuse, bullying, social injustice, sex trafficking, molestation and more...

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Who Dirty is For

...a person or person (s) against Dirty, Dirty is for a person who believes the violence should STOP! and is willing to take action.  Dirty was written from a person who has lived through violence and STANDS. It is also written to be a voice to those others who have also lived through or going through it (boy or girl, man or woman). It if for a person who knows someone who has been violated, abused, molested, bullied; maybe you live with them, married them. You see the pain, the trauma or the residue and you want to be a voice too.

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The Movement D.A.D.'s

The Movement is DADS (Dads Against Dirty) DADS Against Violence. DADS mission is STVS (Stop the Violence. STOP). People all over the Nation joining forces to take a stance against Dirty. Unifying with other organizations with similar missions and purposes. DADS believes we are a cause you want to JOIN and together we protect our boys, girls, men and women person at a time, 1 family at a time.  This is more than neighborhood watch, this is Nationwide watch.


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Since 1993

Dirty [dur-tee]

Dirty exposes and brings awareness to Sexual, Mental, Physical abuse, Social Injustice

Dirty un-sweeps what gets
swept under the carpet so often

Dirty brings awareness to violence of many sorts and calls to action a STOP

Dirty brings Awareness to the Residue so many carry around from violent acts and  provides Resources for help, educates and trains Victims and their families

Dirty speaks to the accuser (s)
Dirty speaks to False Love and perpetual Love abuse
Dirty brings hope

Dirty stands for stopping the violence. Stop
Dirty is the Voice for the community
Dirty is the repository for your tears

Dirty is led by DADS Dads against Dirty and ALL those who stand against violence
Dirty is a movement against Violence

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You ! Your Violence Prevention Organization or Organization, Business, Non-Profit Business against Violence.

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